We use an iterative developement process where we plan ahead for no more than a year for new functions, but are in it for the long run on updates and security.
In our main roadmap, we release one major version and two to three minor versions every two years. In 2021 we have released two minor versions. This is our temporary release roadmap.
- Spring 2023 - UX/UI improvements - Bootstrap 5.3 in backend
- Summer 2023 - Rendering support for .Razor Pages (Blazor + .NET 7)
To get a sense of what a relase contains, you can look at the changelog
Version 6 will get rendering support for on .NET 6/7 and blazor. We will make some breaking changes to the rendering engine to use Razor Pages. These changes will only affect new installations and upgrades.
With the change to Razor Pages together with a push in headless design, there also opens up possibilites to take advantage of Blazor to give rich experiences for Mobile Apps. We will be exploring these roads as the techology matures.
As for the general functions and features roadmap, we have an agile approach to this. This means that we are constantly evaluating the current state and add or expand the modules as the customer needs and the web are constantly changing.
We are currently using Bootstrap 5 as the default responsive framework.