Setting up multisites / Share a database between sites

It is possible for multiple sites to share the same database. The content is then shared between them, but the design and menu content can be different.

There are a few things to remember:

1. Setting up the shared database

The easiest way to do this is to use a SQL Server database and add the setting in the config-file for the site in the App_Data folder for each site. It is added like this: <databasenavn>[dbname].SQL</databasenavn> where you replace [dbname] with the name of the database.

2. Setting up the shared Lucene index

In the same config files, add the setting <lucene-custom-folder>App_Data/SiteName/LuceneIndex</lucene-custom-folder> where you choose one of the sites as host.

3. Keeping the design files up to date

When you add a design file to one of the sites, it be a layout, sublayout, rendering or snippet, you will have to add it to the other sites as well for it to be able to be used there. There are circumstances where not all files have to be on all the sites, but as a ground rule they should always be on all sites.